In this short film, we tell the story of how SMMA and developers Atlantic Management transformed a vacated...
In this short film, SMMA's designers discuss the challenges of designing a "building on top of a building" and...
What you need to know about the latest Massachusetts building and energy regulations.In this Q&A, Adrian Walters...
In the Boston area, the pandemic-era boom in life science development led to more companies being caught out by code...
Recently, many of our corporate clients have been asking the same question:“I have empty seats—what can I do about...
Historically, “good” design for HVAC systems has swung like a pendulum between two outcomes: energy efficiency and...
Amid the pandemic-era rush for new laboratory space, many life science companies made a key misjudgment: That any...
Designed to enhance the employee experience and strengthen collaboration, CSB’s new operations center earned the...