Sarah Long


Senior Interior Designer


  • Sarah provides interior design services for corporate clients
  • Oversees client communication; coordinates with engineering, design, and construction teams; and manages documentation 
  • Draws on her background in business and marketing to understand corporate design needs and deliver lasting, effective solutions
  • Applies her positive, organized, and inquisitive nature to strengthen collaboration and advance project success

Leap of Faith

“I was always interested in interior design, but never considered making my living doing it,” says Sarah. “Being creative and business-focused, I decided to study Marketing in college, then went on to work at a financial services company for a few years. The recession and a round of layoffs got me thinking: Is this what I really want? When I found an interior design program that looked appealing, I knew it was time for a change. I resigned and became a full-time student. It was a real leap of faith.”

“Working with businesses here at SMMA has been a great experience. My two worlds have collided, and I couldn’t be happier. I draw on all that I learned as a marketing student and professional in designing for corporate clients.”

Passion for Design Challenges

“For interior designers there are so many different challenges that aren’t always foreseen," explains Sarah. "There’s never one right solution. I like the fact that the challenges change; what works for one client doesn’t work for another. But I can always transfer what I’ve learned from one project to the next. It’s great knowing that I’ll never stop learning.”